Thursday, 15 December 2011

Final Designs

This is a page that I included in my editorial flipfile that has small versions of my final spreads on.

Colour Development

Here are two pages where I was looking at using yellow on my problem pages instead of red because tonaly it works better.
This is a close up of two versions of the same page illustrating how yellow works better against the dark grey of the background on my problem pages.

Solution Page Development

Previously I had uploaded some development of introducing a white column to the solution pages and this page shows how I have carried this design over each of the three spreads.
I also had the grey box clash with the title to break up the title.

Font Development

This is a page from my folder where I was looking at a font for my solution pages that was more clean cut but still related to the intial type face I used on my problem pages.

Front cover design

This is a page from my flip file where I have shown how I came to my final cover design.
I began looking at how I could place my title and thought about making the cover attractive without the use of imagery.